Saturday, March 6, 2010

6th of March: First blogday!

Another Saturday at home with two crazy puppies running around, attempting to kill each other... On my desk today I have a bunch of random sketches I've done earlier today, a few pens and pencils with an accompanying eraser, some plain sheets of paper,various photos and lots of notes splayed out over my desk and some of the wall in front of me. You see, whenever I see, hear or read something worth remembering, I have to write it down. Apparently, the human brain is only able to remember 7 things in its short-term memory, and I find a lot of random things worth remembering... Anywho, some dinosaur show on Nat-Geo is on on the tv and, thank god, the dogs are sleeping. I reckon I'll spend tonight at home, watching tv, playing with the dogs and chatting with my own Mr. M.

P.S: If you havent read "Last night I dreamed of peace" by Dang Thuy Tram, you will not understand that last part at all. Besides, if you havent, you really should.

I promise that the next post will actually be fashion-related! I know what I'm gonna write, I just have to actually write it first!

Next post: Proenza Schouler S/S 2010
"Who wore it? What do we love? What do we hate? What is awesome, but would we never wear?"

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